Are you Ready for a New πŸ¦‹ Idea?

One that Leads You From 🧑 the Heart,

+Allows You to 🎈 Play with Your Business in a Fun Way?


Creation 🌟 Quest:

Building Buzz In Your Biz

Like Bees 🐝 to Honey 🍯!

We Start on February 27, 2023!

Join the Quest HERE!

Hey there Magic Maker,

I see you, and I know that you are a creative, fun & playful business owner who wants to be seen for your brilliance and wants your transformational work to impact the people it's meant for.

That REQUIRES being seen (by the RIGHT people!)

I used to struggle with this, until I made it into a GAME.


This is the alternate game board track for expansion, support, and building ease, up to ’SOLD OUT’ energy. It’s a confidence-building and courage-showing practice (game) that highlights your expertise, your quirkiness and the ‘heart of your business’.

Let me ask you a question…

Are you CRAVING something different? Something to open up your creative flow in your biz and be SEEN!?

If that calls to you and ignites your entrepreneurial spirit, this QUEST has been designed for you!

The 5-Day Creation Quest Starts soon!

Come & Play with me!









Your 5-Day Out-of-the-Box Buzz Quest:

to grow visibility, play the game of connection to your ideal clients and build momentum and energy!

Open up the Idea Box and start creating the buzz that leads to regular traffic, more opt-ins and consistent sales.
  • Align with Your Highest and Best Self,
  • Create from the Heart,
  • Ignite your joy, connect with your muse and invigorate your creative genius!
  • Win Daily Prizes During the Quest.
Creating an environment where people are asking you about what you are doing and creating. Then desiring and purchasing "MORE of this please" from YOU!

So, What's BUZZ 🐝?

It’s a CTA: Call to Awareness! Giving those potential fans something to do to support you, encourage you, love you, believe in you, or lift you up. Perhaps even partner, promote, joint venture referrals for each other, or other kind of help. It is:

  • Excitement. πŸŽ‰Living in your excitement and joy ALWAYS.
  • A ✨ vibrational match-maker.
  • Building a case for your product, service or idea.
  • Sending out πŸ’šlove through your product, service or idea.
  • Demonstrating that you believe 🧚‍♀️ in the transformational ability of your forth-coming product, service or idea.
  • Introducing yourself and your business to a niche. 😍
  • πŸ¦„ Calling in your aligned followers and superfans.
  • Being of service to your niche.
  • Finding the πŸš€ influencers in your niche.
  • πŸ‰ Establishing you as the expert in this niche. 
  • It’s Fun🐬 + Playful.
  • First and foremost: It is notifying the Universe 🌏 that you are ‘in the house’ and expect big things from your business.

Building Buzz is a part of marketing, but is not the a full marketing plan.  It’s the part of relationship building that gives awareness to you and your product/service, it’s being seen and known for what you do and deliver (and your quirky πŸŽ‰ happiness that is behind it all!)


To Create Buzz, We Will Spend 5 Days:

  • Aligning Your Vibration,
  • Loving on your Product/Service,
  • Growing your Dream and
  • Diving into the Idea Box to Find a Juicy Idea that Makes your Business πŸ’œHeart 🎡 Sing!

Your Building Buzz Quest is split into 5 Missions:

Your BIG DayDream!

Aligning Your Vibe

Loving πŸ’œ Your Product/Service

Opening the Idea Box

⭐️ The 5th Day of our Quest is our BIG ACTION day

. . . seeing the result and momentum that we are building with BUZZ!

The Investment?

Your Time, Focus + Your Desire to Create MOMENTUM in Your Visibility!

This is a free Game-Changer Community Adventure Event coming to you from the Dreams-in-Action MasterClub!


I Want to Join the Creation Quest!

What will I Get In the Quest?

  • Grow your DayDream so you are Crystal clear on your Buzz Building CTA—Call to Awareness.
  • Align Your Vibe. EVERYTHING is Energy, and when you align, your business falls in line creating clients, connections and cashflow.
  • Love on your Product so you can pull forth your transformation and others can FEEL it.
  • Open the Idea Box, of over 50 ideas for building buzz so you can find one that is aligned with you right now.
  • Take Action on that aligned inspiration and see the miracles start to flow.
  • Play a game with me to open up your creative center, this causes more inventiveness to flow through you. Creating begets creative solutions and the COURAGE to do them.
Bottom Line You Get: New Energy, Excitement and Momentum toward your Dreams.

Hi, I'm Jean:

Jean Berry is a creative explorer.  She is a Business Game Expert, Intuitive Biz Coach, International Speaker, Intuitive Artist, Healer and Dream Guide. Coaches, speakers and consultants hire her to create branded games out of their unique processes to create Serious Fun & Serious Profit.

As a Certified Excellence Life Systems Coach, accomplished fine artist, trained energy healer and life-long student of games, art and miracles, she guides her clients to become experts in their fields, attract their ideal clients & have more fun & make more money.

Bottom line….Jean grows coaching businesses using FUN and Creativity.

She Lives in Las Vegas, NV with her husband, Dale & dog, Razzle-Dazzle.

Frequently Asked Questions

We start on Monday, 2/27/23, you will receive your first mission and video first thing in the morning. 

The last day is Friday. We will finish with a fun celebration and sharing our Out-of-the-Box results on the following MONDAY. 

I'll also be announcing information about the MasterClub, how to get support and the complete Building Buzz and Idea Box training that is part of Product Magic Training!

No worries, all the quest videos, trainings and playsheets are housed in your personal portal, so you can access them anytime. 

You'll simply miss the opportunity to win one of the daily prizes that are happening during the Creation Quest.

The actions each day are simple, but profound. Each day, the videos are 10-17 minutes long, there is a playsheet to fill out and checkin in the FB group. 

You will choose how long you create each day. Most people can finish it all up in 10-15 minutes. (So, 30 minutes total each day!)

I will be in the FB group Live each day at 1:00 (PT). I'll also announce the daily calls in your email.

All materials will be available each day at 5:00(am) Pacific Time.

Live Zoom Conversation Call the following Monday for Celebration and Next Steps!


This Creation Quest requires:

a Journal

Colorful pens or crayons.

Glitter (if desired).

Play Implements. (Things to toss, color with, spin, sprinkle, etc.)

I am ready to Get 'Out-of-the-Box'!

It's time to be inspired and create! Join now. πŸ˜ƒ

This is going to be FUN!

Once you register, I'll send you our private Game-Changers FaceBook group link (if you are not already a member) and timeline.  I'll also send you some happy mini-quests while you wait for our Creation Quest to start!

I can't wait to meet you and learn about the amazingness you are putting out in the world.  During the rest of the year, inside this group, we discuss all things fun, games, business, alignment and JOY!

See you there!

Jean "Ingamenator" Berry



50% Complete

Two Step

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