Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies Game-International

$73.00 USD


Price $73 = Game: $47 + $26 for Shipping anywhere OUTSIDE the United States

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  • Connect Powerfully to Your Soul’s Guidance.
  • Discover the Unique Timing for the best flow for your life
  • Synchronize the 3 Laws of Attraction, Activation and Acceleration in your business
  • Open, Balance & Energize Your Business Chakras causing synchronicities and miracles to start to happen!
  • Be in Action on your most Authentic & Aligned tasks each day that will open your Miracle Portal.
  • You will experience Peace of Mind and relax into achievement because you are easily doing the best possible soul-guided actions on a daily basis.
  • Find the Deeper Themes and Decode what your Soul's Guidance is telling you over time. The 100 Days allows you create a daily HABIT of listening and getting in action!


What People Are Saying:

What I LOVE about the Angels, Peacocks & Butterflies game is that it is simple, and fun to do. It simply builds a positive habit, especially if you are not in the habit of connecting with your intuition. It was great to be able to put into categories and understand how my intuition was guiding me to do things and how they matched up with the cards. It was lovely to see the themes that emerged toward the end of each of the 25 days. I believe that miracles happen every day that we don't pay attention to. Playing the game helps us focus on paying attention to those miracles, which creates even more!" High Performance Psychologist & Intuitive Business Mentor (Luminescent Life & Intuitive Business Mastery)

Dr. Elena Estanol

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