NEW BOOK COMING: From the creator of theĀ Angels, Peacocks & ButtefliesĀ game, Jean Berry
Join theĀ Great ZiNG ZiNE GIVEAWAY +
I AMaZiNG Book LAUNCHĀ Celebration
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3 FREE exclusive ZiNG ZiNEs in the mailĀ (You just pay $3 for shipping for your ZiNEs!),
Access to theĀ I AM a ZiNG Private Community with events, connection and play prompts,
Insider's Manifesting Quest and,
Connections, Support and FUN! leading to theĀ Ā I AMaZiNG Quantum Coloring Experience Book Launch.
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I can't wait to share my manifesting, dreaming AMaZiNG content to support and delight you.Ā
-- Zings Announced to the World:
7-7-7 (2+0+2+3=7)Ā š
-- First ZiNGZiNEs ship on 7-17-7
(my Dad's birthday was 7-17-27 and he was always so delighted when anyone asked him when his day was!)
--Book Launch in Early September!