Dreams In Action Master Club
The DREAMS IN ACTION Master Club includes:
Seasonal Support for your FOCUSed Intention. Solstice to Equinox, Equinox to Solstice. Sign up for a season, or for a year.
- Monthly Live Dream Imagery call to manifest your desires. (First Friday of the month)
- Weekly Q + A Retreat on Thursdays at 12:00 noon CT
- Weekly work sprints on Thursdays at 1:00 CT (Like coming to the artist's studio and getting things done!--this is GREAT accountability!)
- Access to all quests including Personal Oracle Decks, paint your portal (and others that inspire me!)
- Private Community site (not on FB) + Special call outs in the Game-Changers FB group if you desire SM visibility.
- Fun & Games for 'up-leveling your game'!
Let's Do This Together!
There's are two choices for how you would like to join....see them on the right. Choose Your Adventure! Make it the experience that feels good for you! Bundle with another course if you desire.
Clarity, Fun + Connection!